Wisconsin Emergency Rental Assistance (WERA) is a federally funded program for households experiencing income loss or financial hardship because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Households that are behind on rent and have lost income due to COVID-19 may be eligible for financial assistance. $322 million is available to renters state-wide through WERA, and households will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. The State of Wisconsin Department of Administration is distributing these funds to local non-profits, including Western Dairyland. Western Dairyland will begin accepting WERA applications for Eau Claire, Buffalo, Trempealeau, Jackson and Clark counties on Monday, February 22nd. Eligibility
Applicants must have income loss or financial hardship related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Applicants must be unable to pay their rent, behind on rent, or have an eviction notice.
Applicants must be an adult Wisconsin resident with a household income at or below 80% of the county median income in the month of or prior to the application date. View the income guidelines here.
Western Dairyland EOC will administer this program in Eau Claire, Buffalo, Trempealeau, Jackson and Clark counties. Other counties will be administered by members of WISCAP, https://wiscap.org/wera/
WERA can provide financial assistance for past-due rent, up to 12 months, going back to March 13th, 2020 (widely viewed as the beginning of the pandemic).
The program may also be able to pay for three months of future rent.
Applicants will also be referred to additional community resources depending on their specific situation.
To Apply
For fastest service, apply online at westerndairyland.org/wera

Western Dairyland for more information:
Eau Claire Office: 715-836-7511
Independence Office: 715-985-2391